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Critical Decision Looms: Town Council Set to Vote on Key Issue Impacting Mount Airy's Future

Keep Mount Airy Small

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

The Town Council will decide on approval of the Beck Property (Mount Airy Crossing) Pre-Concept Sketch Plan in May

On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 7:30 PM, the Town Council will vote on the Beck Property (aka Mount Airy Crossing) pre-concept sketch plan.

The full plan and associated documents are available on the town website.

How do you want them to vote?

Should Town Council Approve the Current Beck/Mount Airy Crossing Plan?

  • Yes

  • No

The new plan has 350 units (mostly townhomes), with 55+ senior housing on the East side and plans for only a signalized crosswalk to connect the two sides of the development across Route 27. Many issues brought up at the February 13th workshop have not been addressed in the latest version of the plan.

It is now up to our Town Council to decide whether this plan is ready to be built in Mount Airy as-is or whether the developer needs to make additional changes.

A vote for "yes" locks the latest iteration of the plan in at 350 units and 135,000+ sq ft of commercial space. The current plan provides the town 3 acres of green space adjacent to Watkins Park with no contribution to development of ball fields (or associated parking). In the current plan, the bulk of the remaining open space is on the east side of Route 27. How will the children from the community, living on the west side of Route 27, safely access any amenities on the east side? Does it make sense to put all of the 55+ housing on the east side of 27? What about water and our overcrowded middle school?

PLEASE EMAIL YOUR COUNCIL. Or even better--show up to the meeting on May 6th and tell them whether you want this plan approved or not.

An email which simply states, "My name is ________ and I live at _________. I urge you to vote NO on the Beck preconcept plan because __________. Signed, _______" would be helpful! They want to know what YOU think. You are their constituents and they work for you.

If you like the plan, feel free to tell them! Citizen input is crucial to this process. Let your voice be heard! This plan will change Mount Airy forever. Will the current plan change it for the better?

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